Certified Ontological Coaching and Leadership Program

Your journey to Coaching Excellence and Personal Transformation

Way of Being

Ontological Coaching is characterised by coaching to Way of Being. Our Way of Being is the underlying driver of communication and behaviour. Our perceptions and attitudes, many of which may be deep seated and out of awareness, exist in our Way of Being. Change in these perceptions and attitudes can result in the removal of significant barriers to learning, and the spontaneous development of more effective patterns of communication and behaviour.

Effectiveness in personal and professional life, and the quality of our existence, is indelibly shaped by Way of Being.

Way of Being is a regarded as a dynamic interrelationship between three areas of human existence – language, emotions and body. Coaching in all three areas of language, emotions and body has the potential to be transformative, for it can generate profound learning and deep constructive change.

What is Ontological Coaching?

Ontological Coaching is a profound way to work with ourselves and others, at the level of our perceptions and attitudes, which are often deep seated and out of awareness. We focus on language, emotions and the body, separately as areas of learning, as well as how they are interrelated and affect each other.

If you are interested in bringing about change for yourself, individuals, teams, businesses and organisations, Ontological Coaching is a powerful way to make this happen. It is effective because it is based on a practical understanding of language, moods and conversations for behavioural and cultural transformation.

Ontological Coaching offers a way to living and working well and developing a life of deep satisfaction, meaning and fulfilment. In a world of relentless and continual change this is no small matter!

Ontological Coaching is highly effective as a coaching methodology as well as for:

The Roadmap

18 months – 3 Levels

Level 1

The focus is on the role of language. Participant learn a new understanding of language and how to enhance results in everyday interactions and coaching through using language differently. Although the primary focus is on language and how to use and apply specific linguistic tools, there is a continual integration with emotions and body, along with developing coaching skill and competence.

Level 2

Focuses more specifically on moods and emotions and how we can understand the crucial role of moods and emotions for deep and sustainable change. As part of this participants develop their ability to work with and shift moods, which have a direct and positive impact on communication, behaviour and performance. At an organisational level, this can be considered culture work.

Level 3

This level can be considered an integration level. Time is spent on the role of the body and how to work with, in and through the body to create sustainable shifts. Participants also begin to consider how to take the learning over the 18 month period forward in their professional lives. Lastly the focus is on how to apply the ontological framework in organisations and teams in relation to business improvement and culture change.

A word from previous participants


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Options for Enrolling and Costs

Individuals can sign up for the whole course, or per level, depending on what suits them best

Three payment options are available for the program fee (which includes all course learning materials plus three volumes of Coaching to the Human Soul):


Total Program Fee of €10 300 excl VAT for early bird special

OPTION 2: Total Program Fee: €10 800 excl VAT

Payable per Level in 3 installments of €3 600 excl VAT